
Miss. Teen USA Beauty Pageant Question.

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I sent an on line application for the state I am in to become its Miss. Teen. They are supposed to call me with an interview soon. What questions are they going to ask? I feel so nervous, thank you in advanced.




  1. you can never know exactly what they are going to ask but i've been in pageants and am actually a queen right now, but anyway here are some example questions they might ask:

    What do you look for in a friend?

    If someone had never been to (your state) where would you take them and why?

    what do you like to do for fun?

    what do you want to be when you grow up?

    what is your favorite subject in school and why?

    what would you do if you found out on of your friends was doing drugs?

    what makes you a good person?

    if yuo were given 1,000 dollars what would you do?

    if yuo could be rich smart or pretty what would you choose?

    they want to ask questions to get to know you, it shouldn't be that hard. they are asking questions that you really already know the answer to and you should have fun!

    Good luck

  2. are you hot??

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