ok, so i got this letter in the mail about a pageant today, here is what it says:
you have been refered to me as having a young lady between the ages of 7 and 19 within your family who may enjoy modeling in front of an audience and learning modeling routines that enablre her to acomplish her goals on stage..
no past experience is necessecary and training will be provided to all participants through a training class and rehersal that will be conducted..
judging is based on personality, casual wear and formal wear modeling...
i would be happy to personally meet with the potential contestantas i will be meeting with other young ladies.. by attending, she will have the opportunity to meet with me personally as i provide her with all the info. on this year's production.
ok, so i;m not sure if i should do it or not, b/c i have never done anything like this before, and i am really shy, so i'm not sure if i can do it. What do you think??