
Missed 2 pills? could i be pregnant?

by Guest55686  |  earlier

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i forgot to take my pill on sunday and monday (now friday) and had unprotected s*x on sunday could i be pregnant? wat are the chances?




  1. Any time you miss you pills, there is always a chance for you to get pregnant...since a missed dose can render the medication less effective.  Heck, it is possible to get pregnant even if you took your pills as prescribed.

    Good luck to you.

  2. it is possible. any contraceptive that is not taken correctly can open the door to concieving...see if you have your period and go from there.

  3. Depends, what week are you in?

  4. It really depends on the pill you're taking, if you're taking the traditional pill containing estrogen and progesterone you're much less likely to be pregnant that if you're taking the "mini pill". With the mini pill, even just taking the pill more that 3 hours after your regular time can cause you to become pregnant. the Traditional pill is much more sustaining, and should protect you. However, you just never know. My biggest suggestion is to make sure you take precautions when you miss a pill (obviously) although I know from experience that's easier said than done. If you think you might be pregnant you can go to the hospital and ask to have a blood test done to check, because the sooner you stop taking the pill if you are, the better for the baby. Taking the pill will not stop the pregnancy from continuing!

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