
Missed Jury Duty?

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A friend of mine is in the military and he recieved a letter for jury duty, and he was to appear on the 15th of this month. He forgot that he had it, plus he had duty that day, today he recieved a paper from the sheriff saying that he has to appear in court in October, what are they going to do?




  1. He needs to let his commanding officer know about this and then contact the court.

  2. The judge would be a fool to hold him in contempt. If he had duty that day, and the judge was to punish him, the public outcry would be deafening. Tell your friend to simply apologize and its almost impossible to get out of military duty. The time the paperwork would go thruogh, it would long be over.

  3. They could hold him in contempt. But if he was on duty that should take priority
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