
Missed a week of birth control, no bleeding, does this mean possibly pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I have been on the pill for 5 years. since i was 17. this month i forgot to start the new pack and missed like 10 pills. i started taking the birth control again when i realized, and am expecting my period in 7 - 8 days.

i also had cramping 3 days after my period which has persisted for 11 days now. in the past 4 or so days i've also had heartburn, thick creamy discharge, sore nipples, slight nausea, lightheadedness and i'm extremely tired. i'm worried that missing those pills and having unprotected s*x a multiple times after my period ended has resulted in pregnancy.

my questions are if i missed all those pills is it likely I ovulated right after my period? does starting in the middle of a new pack of birth cotrol cause any bleeding, and if is does is it a sign that i am pregnant if i haven't had any of this bleeding? also how often do women feel symptoms like this a week before their expected period?




  1. yeah, it's possible... you're supposed to use a backup method if you miss a certain amount of pills... can't think off the top of my head but I think it's three... also I think if you miss 10 from a new pack... you should wait the entire cycle before starting a new pack. That could be why you're out of whack now.

    I could be wrong... in any case, read the booklet that comes with the pills and test for pregnancy... also... visiting your gyno to ask him/her this question would help.

  2. Yes you can be pregnant. Just missing two pill increases your chances yet alone a whole week. The only way to know for sure is to take a preg test. If you are not pregnant you must adhere to taking the pills religiously and if not use a backup method like safe s*x to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Its better to be safe than sorry.

  3. If you started the new pack a week late, you could definitely have ovulated, and, since ou aren't bleeding, could definitely be pregnant.


  4. If you read the packaging carefully it tells you that if you miss a certain amount of pills that your period won't come at all for that happened to me before.......

  5. Wow...yea missing that many pills you could def be pregnant.  Please take a preg test so you can stop taking the pill if you  are as it can cause serious problems for your baby.  The symptoms could be either, certainly all the symptoms of pregnancy but they also mimic those of s******g up your cycle.  The only way to know for sure is to test...please let us know...good luck!

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