
Missed an a-level exam?

by  |  earlier

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what can i do?

or have i blown it?

it was only general studies but i was sure it was tomorrow and im decorating my room so i lost my timetable, looked at my calender today and realised it was on the 17th which was yesterday

no one foned 2 tell me i had missed it, not college or my m8 who sat the exam

can i resit it at a later date or just hope ive done enough to pass it.

if i fail hopefullly ive still got enough ucas points to go to uni, i only need 150




  1. stay calm....explain yourself to the college.........

  2. Don't panic - explain to your college what happened. You will be able to re-sit, but you will probably have to pay, but if you can get into uni without it why bother?

    Next time be careful to put your timetable somewhere safe and visible, like on the wall or the door or a kitchen cupboard. You could even make a spare copy and give it to your parents.

  3. contact your school ASAP to check - you can resit A levels - you need to find out if it is a unit that is offered in January - otherwise you need to wait until June to resit.

    your exams officer at the school/college will know what to do.

    Good luck

  4. If you don't sit, you don't get the marks (unless it is an absence supported by doctors notes in which case you may get compensation).

    And since when has it been anyone else's responsibility to tell you that you have missed an exam, especially since they aren't allowed mobile phones in the exam room?

    So how will you cope with Uni when it is ALL down to you?

  5. You probably wont be able to sit it this time, but maybe next year. General Studies doesnt really matter anyway ,most universities dont even count it as a real A-level. Next time try to be more organised, you were lucky it wasnt a really important exam

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