
Missed my court date?

by  |  earlier

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I got a dui back in june, got no ticket or citation, no information on a court date, called the court house to see when my court date was... i wasn't in the system yet, checked online public records every week........ and then BAM! I checked online and seen I had missed my court date by only a couple hours. Now what do I do? what do I say to the judge? They hear it all the time.."i didn't know" or "i slept in" well it wasn't like that for me.... i really didn't know!! I noticed online that my file was filed on 8/12 and my court date was on 8/13, how is that fair? now i have a $10,000 warrant!!

but now the question since you know some details... I'm going in on monday morning to be put on the list to see the judge. what should i say? is there anything i can do to fight it now since they messed up my paperwork? what might happen?




  1. i would say here I am-just show up and dont take NO for answer-they like to HURT people

  2. The only thing you could do at this point, is to be there monday morning first thing. The judge is not going to care what you have to say, other than, if you were in the hospital or if you were in jail. Do not try to explane anything, just let him or her know your there to take care of the matter.  Let the judge know your there to take responablity for your action and you be all right...

    Prepaired yourself  to come out of pocket, fines for not showingp and inrolement of some type...     No worry's, you'll be just fine....  

  3. tell the truth

    it's all you can do.

    you can get a lawyer.. but.. they are scum who will rip u off  

  4. First of all, dress respectfully. Make a good first impression to show the judge that you are taking this seriously. Your appearance is important. No jeans, shorts, T shirts, etc. Dress like you are going to church.

    I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND finding an attorney.  Sometimes, you can approach lawyers who are standing outside the traffic court and ask if they can help you.  BRING CASH to pay talks, and they might be able to "rework" their schedule to help you out.  

    If you choose to go in without legal representation, then be extremely polite and DO NOT blame the system. Explain what happened, but accept responsibility.  If you can't afford an attorney, this is the time to speak up.  More than likely, the judge will release your warrant, give you a new court date, and give you the paperwork for a court appointed attorney.  Please don't tell the story about not receiving a ticket. The court HAS the ticket, so just skip that part.  Again, be very apologetic and accountable.  And don't be ashamed to plead and beg, if need be. Remember, the judge has ALL of the power. He or she can send you to jail and make you post bond if he or she wishes or doesn't believe you. You can never be too polite.

    Normally, I wouldn't give someone with a DUI any advice, but you do sound sincere.  Promise me that after you do your sentence (if this is a first offense, most likely classes, a huge fine and perhaps community service.) that you will never drink and drive again, OK? My uncle and cousin were killed by a drunk driver, so I am not sympathetic.  

    But...good luck and be prepared for anything, but since you appeared, the judge is less likely to toss you in jail.
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