Ok so my girlfriend and I are trying to conceive... Her last period was May29th... She was due to have one around June28th-30th or so... She never got it... Now it's almost two months late... Two days ago we had s*x and when she got home she had a faint pink when she went to the bathroom... then it stopped all together and nothing more... Then yesterday we had s*x again and right after she went to the bathroom and then again was a little tiny bit of pinkish blood.... Now it has stopped all together again... We have taken numerous hpts and all of them have been negative..... She's been having alot of pregnancy symptoms, but she hasn't been having normal period symptoms, We researched it and it said alot of women spot pink after s*x if they are pregnant because the cervix is coated in blood during pregnancy and alot of times when you have s*x the male might hit your cervix and in return you might spot for a little while. Has anyone had this happen, if so were you pregnant, any advice?