
Missed the visa interview, but have been sending letters to the CDJ consulate but getting no response,?

by  |  earlier

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The national visa center said they can't help me but to contact the CDJ consulet for help, now if my paper work expires in june and i can't get any responce from the consulate or the national visa center just what do they think i should do because no government office will take responcabilty for their actions i'm in the middle of it, what should i do to get back on track.




  1. the NVC can't help you with this coz they've already passed on your case to the local consulate. you need to contact the consulate... if they don't reply to your letters, then try emailing or calling them.

    why did you miss your interview anyway? didn't you try and arrange a replacement interview instead of not showing up?

    what do you mean no government office will take responsibility for their actions? they didn't do anything wrong. if anyone should take responsibility, it's you coz you're the one who didn't show up. and if they can't see you before your papers expire, it's not their fault. you're not the only one applying for a visa. there's tons of people they need to see and interview. you'll just have to keep trying to contact them. if your papers expire, then you'll have to start from scratch.

    but never ever blame them for not being able to cater to you when you're the one who missed the appointment.

    EDIT: well, then i guess you'll just have to start the visa process all over again. if you lose your turn, you try and find a way to solve the problem. if there is no resolution, you just have to go back to the end of the line and start again. lesson learned for you... never ever miss a visa interview.


    the consulate is not obliged to extend courtesy and schedule you for another interview. if they want to do that, they will. if they don't then you don't have a choice. there are thousands of other people awaiting for their interviews as well. they're super busy to just stop what they're doing to cater to one person.

  2. the responsibility  to show up   for a scheduled  consular appointment    for something as delicate as a visa  REST  sole with you  if you did not  show up  ,call   reschedule  your case is archived  and no further action will take place  you may have to start the whole process  again

  3. you need to realize that an appointment cannot be missed, the consulate makes a special time in their calendar, and you do not show up? it is wasted time for consular employees,

    the least you could have done? is call them to annul the appointment and reschedule another one,before the missed appointment,

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