
Missing Dollar (as seen on TV)?

by  |  earlier

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Three friends go out to lunch. They each pay 10 dollars, so alltogether they pay 30 dollars. The cost of the lunch is only 25 dollars, so there is 5 dollars change. The waiter tries to help and takes 2 dollars (of the change) as a tip and each friend is left 1 dollar change. Therefore each friend has paid 9 dollars (10-1). Three times nine is 27, plus the two dollars the waiter took is 29. Where has the extra dollar gone?




  1. i have heard this and it is kind of a word trick, there is no missing dollar

  2. Okay I think I get it...


    It's all in how you word it.

    See, if the meal is 25, and they tip 2, it makes the meal cost 27 in total, plus the 3 they get back.

    The wording makes it confusing.

    It's the way you look at it.

    See, there's 5 dollar change and they share it between them and the waiter, 2:1:1:1. You gotta look at it in the whole, not per person, until you get to the end...It's really confusing but yeah you gotta have it in the right order, each person pays 9 dollars (as it costs 27 in total) and then each person gets one dollar back. There is nothing missing.

  3. wat..????

  4. There's 25 dollars in the register. ($25) the three friends have 1 dollar each. ($3) The waiter has the 2 dollar tip. ($2)

    25+3+2=30. (It's not missing.)

  5. Wrong, the cost $25.  They put in $10 each so $30 total, the waiter took $2, so $28! $1 change each.... $28-$3=$25 therefore they each paid $8.33!

  6. They must be Santa and Bunta along with their wives and calculating the $.

    but all in tact nothing missing.

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