
Missing items in my house?

by Guest63395  |  earlier

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I am extremely sain, financially fine, not cultish, very organized. I am a virgo so I am very analytical and logical. I live with my very sane mother who I have never found to play any tricks or steal anything. I have theft detection devices set up in my house as well. I keep finding things missing in my house. Today three pieces of silverware were missing. I did the dishes yesterday and know I had a full set because I only have a set of four. about a week ago I also changed the sheets on my bed only to find my top sheet missing that I store in the exact same spot everytime. I also have randomely had two comedy DVD's come up missing, a leather laptop case, lots of jewelry from inside my locked safe, BTW no jewelry was stolen that was in the open and one of my T-shirts went completely missing all on seperate occasions. I have also lost a set of tools out of my truck but had a nice HP printer and digital camera sitting right next to it. I'm a skeptic, but is it Bad karma, Ghosts? Help.




  1. This could be a combination of things.  Perhaps you *think* you put something somewhere but you really didn't.  There's nothing wrong with this and it certainly doesn't reflect upon your sanity.  It happens all the time.  Perhaps your mother is doing something similar as well.  Given your disclaimers, this seems more plausible than a third party stealing these items from you.

    I would look all over the house for the missing items.  It's possible they are all in the same place.  If they are absolutely missing then you have a thief on your hands.  Sometimes a thief isn't who you think he is.  Catalog the missing items, when they went missing, etc. and perhaps a pattern will emerge.  Good luck.

  2. Are you experiencing a lot of stress? This could result in you being distracted and putting things in weird places. Once I put my books in the refrigerator. It took me a whole day to find them.

  3. Fire the maid

  4. A bad memory is a for more probable explanation than spirits. Don't feel too bad about it though, I lose things all the time. They almost always turn up later.

  5. Does anyone have access to your safe other than you?  Do you leave it open unattended occasionally?  I doubt that you have anything paranormal going on here, as ghosts don't take things.  Sometimes they move them to get your attention, but they have no use for worldly items.  Perhaps you simply misplaced the items.  There are a lot of other possibilities to look into before suggesting that there are ghosts at work here.

  6. Never blame others or believe something abnormal is happening. Nothig abno9rmal is going to happen. ever. Again and failed memo9ry is the only reason. You wilol find them alol stacked up somewhere and / or will find where they have gone. Good luck.

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