
Mission Violin: Impossible?

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I really want to re-learn the violin. I took classes (in school) for about three years. I have a grasp of the instrument, I know the techniques (but need to perfect them) and can read music and notes better than a lot of people I know. Question is: do you think it will be possible for me to re-teach myself the violin through online resources and daily practice? Personal experience/stories would be most appreciated. Thank you! :)




  1. Yes, I think it is possible to use online resources to help you, but if you can, it's best to find a private teacher. If you don't want to pay the usual $50-70 for one-hour lessons from professional musicians, you can find violin majors who are still in college and ask them if they are willing to teach.

    I've had private lessons since first grade, and from fourth grade to middle school, I played clarinet. I saw a big difference in the teaching done by public school music teachers and my private teacher. Public school music teachers often teach a big group at a time, and cannot give students the attention and guidance necessary for good playing technique.

    Although you know the basics of the violin, there are so many aspects to it that you'll need a teacher to guide you through it. There are some things the Internet cannot do, which is to correct your playing position and technique. If you go wayward, it would be difficult to change an incorrect playing technique after months of playing in the wrong way.

    It's best just to stick with a teacher who can correct you a little at a time.

    Good luck!

  2. bad technique is almost impossible to correct. If you haven't been taught positions, Vibrato. double, triple and quad stops. This is just a few of the intermediate techniques. Yes a teacher, They aren't all 50$ You can go to a music store and see if they have an opening they can be a bit more affordable. You know the basics so that's a big advantage. But, If you are confident in yourself you can buy books I learn suzuki method and had a teacher from 3 to 13 and With that kind of structure I was able to go it alone. I went to college for Violin and voice. And I have taught lessons myself. If you do it yourself. Don't rush it. I am willing to give you advice for free. Anytime. Best of luck

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