
Mission m35i speakers connection to nad 352 do i put one speaker cable into positive and?

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negative on one speaker and pos and neg on other speaker?or put cable into both positives one one speaker and both negatives on other speaker? sorry im new to speakers!




  1. I congratulate you on your good taste in audio systems.

    For setting up the speakers, place the speakers to the front left and front right of your listening position. Now they can be named left and right.

    Connect the left speaker to the left speaker out of the NAD. Red to Red and White to White. Do the same for your right speaker using the right side speaker connection on your NAD. If there are multiple lefts and rights named as A, B etc.. connect them under the same name (but different channels- left/right)

    This was the basics. Now going a little further- Are there two pairs of binding posts on your speakers? If there are, it means that your speakers are biwiring and biamping capable. Next check if your amplifier also is biamping capable (read the manual).

    If your speakers are biwiring capable and amp is not, I suggest that to save money, you just link the similar coloured binding posts behind the speakers with a good quality speaker wire and the same for the other similar colour posts.

    For biamping you'll have to run two pair of wires from your amp to each of your speakers. The connections behind your NAD will be explained in the manual. The wires will have to be connected to the speakers' binding posts as if these were two different speakers and make sure to remove any kind of contacts between the similar coloured binding posts.

    I suggest that you read your amplifier's manual and see the back of your speakers and then you'll know what to do and decide what you want to do.

    For more information on biwiring and biamping, check the links-

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