
Mission trip...?

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Last year, I went on a mission trip to Mexico with my church youth group. We got to build houses for poor families, and we really got to know the people there. It was truly an amazing experience. Well, after the mission trip, I moved. My new church, and all the other churches in the area don't have mission trips for youth. I really, really want to go back to Mexico again, and the only way possible would be to go with my old youth group. I asked some friends in my old youth group, and they said that if I asked the leaders, they would probably let me go to Mexico with them, even though I moved away. Well, I asked my parents, and they said it would be inconvenient to drive 4 hours away (that's how far my old church is), and that they would be worried about my safety. But I can't lose hope! How can I convince my parents to let me go? Also, how can I convince my old church to let me go with them? Help!!!!!




  1. a youth group came to help my mom and dad rebuild their house in mississippi after hurricane katrina...the kids that helped us where soo awesome...we need more kids like u in this world...good luck with the trip....and even tho u probably weren't one of the kids to help my family i still wanna say ty for helping ppl in need...

  2. My kids go on a mission trip every year with our church.  How can driving 4 hours to your old church be worrisome for your parents, when they let you go to Mexico last year?  That was a lot farther than a 4 hour drive.  You don't need to convince your old church to let you go, you are already welcome, Call your old youth leader and see if he/she will talk to your parents.  Do you live close to Indiana, you can go to New Orleans with us next year in July!!
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