
Missionary work in Vietnam - not telling anyone?

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My sister is going to Vietnam to do mission work but was told by her group leader that because Vietnam does not allow missionaries to enter, when my sister sends out sponsorship letters to all of her family, she should not mention the specific country.

Now, this seems a little odd to me. On a website? Sure. News outlet? Sure. But personal letters?

Could someone explain this reasoning to me?




  1. That is pretty odd. Maybe their just trying to keep her safe, maybe the government is going through some times that they can't tell its ppl bout yet. I'm not quite sure.

  2. One thing about Communists is they make people think they have spy everywhere.  Her pastor was just being paranoid from his time in country.

  3. In Vietnam, religious followers are so many, and there's so connection between the political institution and religions. However, mission is not allowed and any missionary activities  not related to current religious organizations and unions are considered illegal. Missionaries may enter VN easily as tourists, but there are problems if they do mission or meet with local religious leaders.

  4. The answer is simple....Vietnam is a communist country and therefore officially not odd....

  5. All letters from Foreigners in Vietnam get scanned. The technology allows the authorities to read the letter if they suspect something, then reseal it in the envelope. Americans especially find this hard to believe, but in Asia Commusit countries this is a common practice. I have been here in Asia now for more than 17 years(China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos)

  6. If there is an Islam preacher from Saudi Arabia, who is organizing Islamist converting mission targeting American mass. How are you going to feel about it?

  7. As several of the other posters have noted, the Viet government doesn't give a rat's behind about missionaries working over here. Most people here are Buddhist and are very easy-going concerning religion. It is odd that the group leader told your sister not to mention Vn, maybe he's recruiting her for some kind of cult.

  8. Contrary to popular belief, the Vietnamese communist government does not oppress religion as most Westerners tend to believe. If that really was the case, then St. Joseph's Cathedral in Hanoi and Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi MInh City would have been torn down by the communists years ago. Both are still standing and St. Joseph's has regular services. Long story short - Christianity is practiced and worshiped openly in Vietnam and there is no need to hide being a Christian missionary when visiting the country.

    Another person commented rather bluntly, but quite correct about what the reasoning could be. Western Christians tend to be ignorant about other religions and other cultures. Your sister and/or her missionary leader is/are clueless about Vietnam's religion issues. They are making the problem bigger than it actually is because they don't know any better.

    My prayers are with your sister and her group.

  9. You are right,it is odd,and the fault is with the group leader [ i am sorry to have to say this but he is an idiot and as a group leader should try to get his facts right],your sister as no need to lie or hide her intentions.Vietnam is a communist country,its also a very religeous country where  Buddist's and cristians openly worship and live together in harmony.

  10. This is why I dislike christianity so. They do NOT see the gross contradiction in their lifestyles. One should be honest, unless you are a missionary. The ends justify the means. They train people to teach English and then send them there, not to teach English but to convert people. I only hope the Vietnamese, like the Japanese and Chinese, see that and disregard them. Better yet would be to restrict them or kick them out for lying. My god! The absolute unsavory behavior is beyond disgusting.

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