
Mississippi River???????

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I was wondering in the mississippi river and lake lake pontchartrain, are there sunken boats or ships? And what other things could be on the bottom?




  1. most likely because the first documented trip was back when lewis an clark sailed through it.

  2. There are sunken boats from one end to the other...

    Last year, when the weather was dryer and the river lower, they found a paddlewheeler north of St Louis that sank before the Civil War.......

  3. Here are a couple of the famous ones still in the Mississippi


    Her suspected hulk (It was not dug up to be absolutely certain) lies a half a mile above the Boothville High School on the southwest bank of the river. Note: a mag survey done later by Texas A & M University shows her to be almost completely under the levee. It's best to look during low water. There is a flat reef-like barrier edged with a small rock breakwater that extends into the river from the base of the levee about fifteen feet. If you walk this area, you can easily detect her iron mass. From a boat you can only pick her up by running parallel to the breakwater. She is buried nine feet under the silt and is probably very well preserved.


    She lies deep under the shoreline mud a hundred yards in front of the southeastern embankment of Fort St. Phillip. You can easily walk the area during low tide.


    This durable little gunboat rests against and under the northeast shore about a mile above Ostrica Canal.

    Governor Moore

    After a courageous fight she ran aground and burned a few hundred yards above the VARUNA. Kids used to swim off both wrecks as late as the nineteen forties. They can be easily located, and as of the time of the expedition, bits and pieces of them still protrude from the shoreline.


    She rests deep under the levee on a north/south heading about a mile and four tenths south from the auto/railroad bridge just below Free ***** Point. 230 yards below river mile 233.

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