
Mississippi planning to pass Bill Banning overweight people from ordering fattening food at restaurants?

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1.) How would you feel if you lived in the state of Mississippi?

2.) What action would you take or how would you comply if you were an overweight person living in Mississippi?

3.) Do you think this bill will be effective in regards to better the lives of overweight individuals? If not, then why?




  1. It will not pass.

    I'm more concerned with the fact that we don't have voter ID and have one of the lowest cigarette taxes in the U.S. than I am with this bill.

    Most of us could stand to lose some weight but as long as peas and cornbread are tasty, we'll be overweight.

    I'd be in favor of regulating the type of food that can be purchased with EBT. Can't tell you how many times I've seen Kool-aid, chips, soda, ice cream and other non-nutritious foods overflowing in shopping carts of overweight EBT users.

    If the government wants to control something, how about starting there.

    I'll say again, it will not pass.

  2. 1.) I would honestly be mad if I lived in Mississippi and this was happening. It isn't always everyone's fault that they're overweight. Some people have medical problems related to weight gain.

    2.) I would find some way to protest or get rid of this new Bill. It's absolutely ridiculous. I'd build my own restaurant and sell fattening foods to the other fat people.

    3.) I honestly don't believe it will better the lives of anyone. If overweight people can't order fattening foods in restaurants, what's stopping them from buying it at the grocery store? Or, even going as far as leaving Mississippi for a while in order to get this food?

    It's got to be the overweight person's choice to lose the weight. No one can force them to do it. People who want to eat, are going to eat. If you restrict that, they'll find a way. I believe that if you're going to do it for one group of people, do it for everyone. Get rid of fast food places and lower the fat in foods everywhere. Do things within the State to help exercising seem more fun. There is so much government officials can do to reduce obesity. They don't need to resort to this Bill.

  3. People wanna kill themselves, let them.  One doesnt see the government taking cigarettes or alcohol away from people.

  4. This is ridiculous!  Another case of the government sticking their big nose where it doesn't belong.  It isn't anybody business how other people eat -- if someone wants to OD themselves with food, that's their choice.  Instead of making stupid laws & banning them from eating, offer incentives to lose weight such as discounts on car insurance, health insurance, etc.  Sounds like those "southerners" have doing better to do with their time!


  6. First of all...I live in Mississippi.  The population of overweight people is skyrocketing since fast food restaurants came into the picture.  I think that if I were an overweight person living here I would do anything to get my size down. That includes not eating Lot's of fat. However, you need fat to function properly. But not that kind of fat. Honestly, whenever I see a heavier person in line at a fast food place, I am sad that our state is even tempting people with that kind of trash.  And it isn't all about overweight people either.  There are people all over the state that look healthy because they are skinny, when really eating that kinda food has the reverse affect on them.  I think that this bill is a good thing, but, why not just lower the fat content?  Banning only the overweight people isn't really fair, because the people I mentioned before (the ones who lose weight) are just as unhealthy as the ones who gain weight, they just don't show in that way. As you can see, I just really have a problem with fast food in general.  Yes I know...a good whopper is OK once in a while, but the fact that some people have it as there main source of food is not OK!

    In the end I think that they should just put healthier choices in the food chains, because after all, we all love food and there is no escaping a good deal on food that tastes good.

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