
Missouri law regarding infant custody and breastfeeding.?

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My ex told me that his attorney showed him a law that after six months, overnight visitation of infants starts, and that it's a mother's "choice" to pump if she doesn't want the baby to be fed formula.

I cannot find this law anywhere! Can any of you tell me where I could find it?

If it's true.. Well, nevermind the stability and comfort a nursing baby gets out of nursing to sleep every night. If this really is a law, that's the most ridiculous law I've ever heard. It's not about keeping the baby away from his father, it's about the child's best interest - STABILITY!




  1. by that logic, dad can only provide stability if he is sleeping in the same bed with mom. so for the married moms and dads, mom should be the ONLY one to get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby, right? because that's stable. mom never getting a decent nights rest once in awhile.

    NO, breastfeeding is NOT a reason to withhold visitation.

    if you are so hardcore about it, you go with dad and spend the night with him so your b***s can be available on his visitation time. dad has a legal right to formula feed his child on his time.

  2. Hmm. It sounds like you want to breastfeed to provide stability until the chlid is about 4. Just ask your ex for a citation -- I suspect he'll be glad to find it.

  3. I've heard a similar law before but I do not know the source of it, you'll have to ask him

    but breastfeeding is not a reason to keep him from having overnight custody....pumping is your only option really if you want him to have that instead of formula, but using it as a reason to comfort and stability will not  really have much a leg to stand on

    I'm sorry :( If I'm wrong though, please let us know

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