This will probably start a war, and I do imagine I'll get some grief from some people. (I've put my big girl panties on to deal with any criticism from this question.)
Why are we as a culture teaching our children that being on "welfare" and receiving government assistance for the rest of our lives is okay?
I have no problem with someone who truly needs the help to receive assistance, but I do find it hard to swallow that my husband and I both work 40hr a week jobs (for next to nothing mind you) and now that we are expecting our first child, we don't qualify for any assistance. WIC program says we make enough to support a family of six!! The problem is, its someone else's family of 6!!!
Young girls, ages 12,13 and up, are becoming pregnant everyday. Society tells them that there is nothing wrong with this!!! Sign up for government assistance. We don't teach them to be responsible for their actions. We teach them that, "what you did is okay, and someone is going to take care of you the rest of your life."
Is it just me, or does anyone else see a problem here?
Once again, I'm not against anyone who truly deserves or needs assistance, in getting it. It's those who continue to sit on their *$$es, nothing wrong with them that they couldn't work, while I work to pay for all of their needs and wants!!!!
***Don't be on government assistance and constantly have your hair freshly dyed, nails done, and all the other luxuries, while I'm struggling to get by, because I just paid for all of that!!!*****
This is not directed towards any racial group! This is a problem throughout all racial groups!!!!