
Misuse of government assistance!!!?

by  |  earlier

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This will probably start a war, and I do imagine I'll get some grief from some people. (I've put my big girl panties on to deal with any criticism from this question.)

Why are we as a culture teaching our children that being on "welfare" and receiving government assistance for the rest of our lives is okay?

I have no problem with someone who truly needs the help to receive assistance, but I do find it hard to swallow that my husband and I both work 40hr a week jobs (for next to nothing mind you) and now that we are expecting our first child, we don't qualify for any assistance. WIC program says we make enough to support a family of six!! The problem is, its someone else's family of 6!!!

Young girls, ages 12,13 and up, are becoming pregnant everyday. Society tells them that there is nothing wrong with this!!! Sign up for government assistance. We don't teach them to be responsible for their actions. We teach them that, "what you did is okay, and someone is going to take care of you the rest of your life."

Is it just me, or does anyone else see a problem here?

Once again, I'm not against anyone who truly deserves or needs assistance, in getting it. It's those who continue to sit on their *$$es, nothing wrong with them that they couldn't work, while I work to pay for all of their needs and wants!!!!

***Don't be on government assistance and constantly have your hair freshly dyed, nails done, and all the other luxuries, while I'm struggling to get by, because I just paid for all of that!!!*****

This is not directed towards any racial group! This is a problem throughout all racial groups!!!!




  1. You go girl !!!! I am with you 100%

    Some people seem to think government assistance is a way of life

    you s***w some "baby daddy"   you get get welfare,

    you get section 8... you get food stamps... you get childcare..what more could you want? oh ya..your hair did and your nails done. what else you suppose to do with all that extra money?  pay bills? I struggling too I have pay for my sons college education...-rich people have the money...

    poor people-... the government pays the money

    middle class people pay for the rest of their lives,!

    IM with you .. Its sucks.        Good Luck  

  2. i agree with you.

  3. Well first of all - the majority of people on welfare are white females - and they are abusing the system.  

    It is a misuse of Government assistance.  When you have a grandmother (30 years old) on welfare, her daughter (14 years old) having a baby, on welfare - the cycle will never end!

  4. I agree with you!  I worked in a bank years ago and would work long hours for little money.  I would have to cash welfare checks and give out food stamps to women who dressed better than I did, who drove better cars than I did (even BMW's!!) they had more gold chains and rings and hair was always done along with nails.  This was back in late 80s early 90s.  It seems like you get 'punished' for working hard and 'rewarded' for not.  I agree that some people truly need assistance but in most cases they only need to get motivated to get a job.  

  5. I was going to attack you until I read your question lol.

    I totally agree with you.  I seen quite a few people on welfare or wic with their hair and nails done and a gucci purse.  I am in line right behind them and on WIC too, but my son is was already past a year and I was still wearing my preggo jeans because I didn't have money to guy clothes in my post pregnancy size.  I just don't understand where they get the money to buy these things when I am in their same spot and don't have anything.  The only money I have goes straight to my son and I get what is left over after him and bills, which is almost always nothing.

    I don't think society's intention is to teach that its okay but I think they just want to be sure the child is okay.  Is it not cool to be on assistance forever and its not a good life to live either.  I had my 1st child before I was ready.  But I am going to do everything in my power not to have another child while I still qualify for WIC and welfare and such because life is too tough like that and the more children you make the harder it gets.  I hope anyone who thinks the government has their backs realizes this.

  6. I agree. I hate knowing that I'm supporting people who could work and choose not to. I have 2 children and my husband and I make enough to support our family... just think what we could do with all that extra money if I wasn't forced to give so much of it away. The key is to reform the welfare system. I do know people who truly believe that they are entitled to anything they can get for free... they know how to work the system. Another way to look at is... sure they get free food and subsidized housing.... but would you want to live like that?? Not me... so let them have their free stuff....that's about all they can get out of this life.

  7. I have to agree with you somewhat. I personally did not teach my sons it's OK to live off welfare and have never collected government assistance.

    That being said, nothing bites me more than being behind a person at the check-out counter in the supermarket who is dripping in gold jewelry, manicured finger and toe nails, designer jeans, expensive shoes,  gold teeth and a wallet full of credit cards pulling out a food stamp card to pay for their groceries. Then I think how my late father couldn't even get help when he was on chemo fighting cancer cause my parents had a christmas club with about $50 in it. And while they were sitting in the welfare office waiting for their appointment, two people were discussing how the one guy got called in cause they caught him working, and the other person told him he should have gotten paid under the table so he could still collect benefits. RIGHT IN THE WAITING ROOM!!!! And the office girls knew the recipients on a first name basis.

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