
Mitchelton Markets - SEQ?

by Guest32213  |  earlier

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These markets are a joke, overpriced fruit and veges, they inconveniantly block off a public street, the patrons park illegally at intersections, on private property, the council don't care but I am sick and tired of people parking in my driveway. What are some things I can legally do? I can be held responsible if I get them towed because the request is from a private property. So I can't win. They certainly wouldn't want me to park in their driveway to visit their neighbour, so why do they think they can do that to me.




  1. I believe, if you clearly post that illegal parking will result in a tow, and the violator is responsible for all resultant loss or damage, you CAN then have them towed, at their expense.  Speak with a local towing company, and decide with them to set a fee to post.  Then, you will have an arrangement with the towing company which makes it profitable for them, and they will be happy to respond to your calls.

  2. How often are the markets held?

    Have you spoken with your local councillor?  The council will care because you vote for them, and attendees to the market do not necessarily vote for them.  You need to find the right person to complain to.

    We had a similar situiation and complained and the council put up so standing signs, 1 metre on either side of our driveway, making a 3 metre spot just outside our house NO STANDING.

    Get the number of the people who hand out traffic tickets in Michelton, and call them every time the markets are held.

    Call the local police - it is illegal to block cars in.  Call them.  Go down and visit their office, and express your concern.

    The squeaky wheel gets the most oil.

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