
Mitt Romney?

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I'm just wondering if there are any americans out there that aren't mormon that are for Mitt Romney




  1. I used to be LDS. I was on my mission during the Olympics and watched Romney on tv at a Bishops home. He came off to me as a polished slimeball.

    Over 80% of Mormons will vote for him though just because he's Mormon. Kind of like I used to be with neo-con psycho Orrin Hatch.

  2. I am Mormon and besides the religion part, I think he is the best candidate for the job. Better than any of the other Rpubs.

  3. Yeah,  I couldn't care less what his religion is as long as he's Christian.  I like that he is willing to be tough on Illegal immigration mostly.  I'm not completely decided but he is the one I am leaning toward.

  4. Not me, I'm a moderate to liberal Democrat.

  5. How can citizens vote for someone who's named after a baseball glove?

  6. I am sure there are.

    A deep and incisive question ..thank you

  7. I'm Southern Baptist, and I think he would make a good president.

  8. Mitt Romney has some good ideas, but he just appears to fake.  He needs to be a game show host.  I like Mike Huckabee over Romney.  Huckabee is a good speaker and he knows how to answer questions the right way.  If Huckabee were not running, I would choose Romney.

  9. I am a Latter-Day Saint (a Mormon), but yes there are. I know of people from other faiths who are for Romney.

  10. In the event that Mitt wins the Republican party, I would vote for him, even if he's in a cult it's better than the democratic party...

  11. I am Baptist...if he gets the nom...I will vote for him.

  12. Yeah there are.

  13. Me. Im not mormon, but I would vote for him before any of the others.
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