
Mix CD as a gift: Does it always mean something?

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Freud is often quoted by people as having said,"sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Now, I don't know if he actually said it, but..meh. Anyways, my question is: if you create a mixed CD to give as a gift to someone you care about, can it still just be a CD?




  1. Depends  on the music you put on there; if it's a bunch of love songs or whatever, of course it will be taken to mean something, even if it's just a bunch of songs you like and they happen to be love songs. I'd watch the themes of the songs you put on there. When I make mixes for someone as a gift, it DOES always mean something, and I imagine that goes for others as well.

  2. Well what do you expect it to be, an elephant?

    If thought it put into it, then yes, it can be a special, meaningful gift. If it's thrown together from your iTunes library with just a bunch of random songs, it means nothing, and the person will know it.

    Mixes meant a lot more back when you had to wait for the songs to come on the radio and record them onto a tape...I actually still do that, quite often.

  3. i would say it can be a pretty personal gift - showing someone oyu care and know what they like. it's a little more than just a cd, considering that it was you that took the time to add that personal touch.

  4. I don't think making mixed CDs is that great of a gesture now-a-days. To make a mixed CD, all you have to do is click and drag. A mixed-tape requires a little more effort.

    It depends on the song choice. If the song choice reflects that you know the person, it can mean a great deal. If it's just a random compilation of songs that YOU like, it doesn't mean jack.

  5. It doesn't always have to mean something. It can just be like "Here's some music you might like." But, as with any gift you give, you are responsible for the message it sends. You might not want to give a CD full of romantic love songs to a female friend unless you're trying to tell her something...

  6. Just a CD or they are trying to save money.

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