
Mixed emotion......???????

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why am i experiencing mixed emotion??

sometimes i do missed my ex and i really wanna talked to him. then there's a time i don't even think of him at all.

or sometimes i feel like i want him back in my life and the next day it's different story.....why is that?? very confusing??




  1. Its normal. In relationships the other person takes a part of us ya know, so we cant help but miss them (want it back). The best thing to do is analyze what went wrong with the relationship. Learn the lesson so that you can date upwards next time you date. Also start seeing other people, keep yourself busy. You will never entirely forget your ex, but eventually you will be able to remember them without the mixed emotions.

  2. Well, it really depends how long ago it was. If it was like a week or so, than its totally normal. That happens alot to people. Even me. I asked out some girl, I was happy about it then she said no. I was heartbroken because I really liked her, but then I thought I was better off, and so on. But don't worry, youll get through it.

  3. From my experience, sometimes it's wondering "what would have happened if...."  You can't live by the "what ifs" in life or you won't be satisfied.  Instead look at each situation and try to take something good away from it.  If it was a bad relationship, look at what you learned about yourself, and try to use it to grow as a person.  If it was a good relationship, but didn't work out, look at what was good about it, and what qualities you look for in a person to date.  

    Just remember why the breakup happened and what caused it.  Remember the good and bad in the relationship.  By trying to see the situation as a whole, rather than the parts, you may be able to put your mind at ease.  Good luck!

  4. Its not so much that we miss out exes...we miss what we wanted from our exes...We didn't get it...or we would still be there.  

    Its like....we don't miss love..we miss what our idea of love is.

    Not what our mates were but, what they could have been..HUGS!!

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