
Mixed martial arts weight loss?

by Guest57752  |  earlier

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hi im joining mixed martial arts i have to drop 25 pounds i have one month on august ninth i willl fight at 170 welterweight is there anyone who could help me accomplish this iver done it before but i want to do it better i have good equipment please a professional or personal trainer would help i have multivitamins and whey protein and creatine i have been jogging and eating eggs with one egg yolk for breakfast i have lost 5 pounds from 200 in a few days i need help from a mixed martial arts teacher or someone with professional knowledge please and thanks




  1. Fighting after a month?!?! bad idea if you ask me.  Takes much longer to train for a fight, skills wise and conditioning.

  2. I'm not a martial arts expert, but I am type 2 diabetic and I control my diabetes with diet and exersise. I have seen a nutritionist who advised me that a combination of exersise and diet was crucial to fighting this disease.

  3. chill in the sauna for a couple hours with a sweater on, on pur a bike in there and run for a bit, you loose alot of weight that way. 9 pounds in one day would be possible ive seen it done before.

  4. Dropping 25 lbs in 4 weeks means about 6-7 lbs per week.  After losing the initial water-weight, it's really hard to lose fat, and anything more than 2 lbs per week is dangerously unhealthy.  I'm sorry to say, I think you're out of luck.

  5. im a wrestler and a good way to lose a few quick pounds before a weigh in is dont drink anything that day and it should take off 2 or 3 pounds

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