
Mixed race babies :)

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I was just curious about indian/white mixed race babies they are soo cute (so are all babies) but i was just wondering how come they normally turn out white or just tanned shouldn't the asian be the dominant gene since it's darker?

For example when a white and black couple have a baby you can always tell but with indian and white you may mystake the baby for being completely white. If you know the answer to this or have a indian/white baby yourself then plz write a comment

Thankyou in advance.

By the way this is no way a racist question i don't know how it may be interpreted like that but just to make sure i've wrote it down anyway.




  1. Half european babies tend to grow into their european forms as they grow older they will look more asian or black a kids but will look more and more european with time

  2. Some mixed race people can look completely black, or completely white. I've seen it a lot of times. And I know a half black/half white guy who looks completely asian. It just depends, it's different with different people.  

  3. indians are caucasian and typically their feautures resemble europeans more than east or southeast asians... so its not really weird that they look more euro when mixed with just that. On the other hand i know a sri lankan/white girl and she is really dark.  

  4. I used to know someone who was half Malaysian and half english. He was white.

  5. Well Indians are Caucasian, just not white Caucasians, so they still have the exact same facial structure as white people (large eyes, slim, pointed nose, thin lips, etc.), so if the kid is half indian then if they get lighter colouring then they will look just white! But if they aare half black or chinese you can tell because their facial structure will give it away...
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