
Mixed race relationship..

by  |  earlier

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my father is against me dating guys who are a different race than me. we have been fighting about this for two years now. he says that i'm a disappointment to him because of this. he has also said that if i marry a man out of my race that he will alienate me from my family. he even has good friends that are a different race. he's not the one who's dating them so why does he make such a big deal out of it? we're getting to the point where we barely speak to each other because we don't have the same views about this. how can i make him realize that skin color doesn't matter and that i can't help who i fall for? also, it's not like i'm only going to date outside of my race. any help? please! i can't take it anymore. =/




  1. you say " its not like i'm only going to date guys outside of my race ".....Which makes me think that maybe...maybe...since you know your dad's feelings...that you are doing this to anger him ....or to get back at him for some reason ......which is not fair to the other-race guy.......Some girls with issues at home are inclined to do this ...guys usually don't.......Mixed race dating is cool long as your motives are cool, too.

  2. Tell him that it is your life and your relationship and that you are happy with the way your relationship is. Tell him that he is disappointingg you because he is making you feel like a outcast from him. Looks shouldn't matter unless you are shallow so tell him that he is acting very shallow by telling you not to be in a mixed race relationship.

    Good Luck, and follow your heart in this.

  3. mmmm thats a tough one. It's hard to make people understand but I would state it plainly. You can't judge a mans character by his "race" each person is a unique individual. Would ask what the logic is too...since really prejudice has no logic to it whatsoever. Ultimately who you choose as a partner is up to you. If he would alienate you then thats his choice. I think only time will open his eyes though.

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