
Mixed relationship problems?

by  |  earlier

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well... im in high school and my boyfreind is black. we have been getting a lot of comments about our mixed relationship. WHAT SHOULD WE DO?




  1. Seriously tell the people that have these issues to get over it. Tell them to start caring about the real issues in life. The war in Iraq, the economy is falling fast, and etc.

  2. IGNORE THEM ALL.. .. I'm guessing you're both straight up people with your heads screwed on ... to h**l with everyone else - the only people with a problem is them... you weren't born to live a live that everyone else approves of .... if you like/love each other then stick with it come h**l and high water.... cos when the judgment comes - it won't be you drowning.....

    I a mixed raced person and have been for the last fifty years.... live your life for you and you alone.... when you find something/someone good don't give up on it because no-one else approves.... they won't be making up the difference for you......

  3. ignore it the only ppl that matter is you both

    i dated a black guy an ppl ruined it for us..x

  4. well if you like each other, then you will tough it out, but if not, then it wasn't meant to be and you should maybe cut it off...

  5. Stay in the relationship duh, outside forces should have no influence on your relationship, just you and him.

  6. Do what i do and have done - ignore them

  7. ignore those people. the world is changing now. love doesn't have a color. you should date who you like.  

  8. so ho cares wat dey say dey r probaly jealous and dont mind dem alota pple hve mixed relationships and dey r pple out der dat can prove it . if we just stik of goin out wit de same race,de worlds gonna look de same with no 'OMG'!

  9. Live and let live...ignore the ignorant and be happy in spite of them.

  10. If race doesn't make a difference to you or your boyfriend, then why does it matter what others say. Other people can chime in and make comments all they want but that doesn't matter.

    The relationship involves you and your boyfriend not the whole student body.

    Ignore them. If you love your boyfriend and he loves you, nothing else matters.

  11. dont listen to people. i think its way cute when the guy or girl is a different race. plus, i think a lot of black guys are cute. and if you havent noticed, they are ripped. haha just stop listening to people.

  12. Ignore them. You do what the two of you want. If you love each other then who cares what anybody else thinks.

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