
Mixing essential oils?

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Can i mix jasmine and lavender? Would the combination work?

Sorry if this is in the wrong category




  1. Yes, you can, but you want to make sure that they're diluted with a carrier oil if they're going to be applied to the skin. I prefer grapeseed oil for my practice. I believe its about 10 drops per 1oz of oil if 100% pure essential oil.

    If its for an essential oil burner then you can mix them with water to last longer over the burner and you don't need too much, just mix for your scents preference.

    Essential oils have medicinal qualities, and if its for you, the best way to know if it "works" is to open the two bottles, hold them to your nose (without making skin contact) and take a sniff. If it smells good, then your body is wanting it. If it smells bad, then you don't need those oils right now.

    lavender is very healing, calming and soothing to the soul.

    Jasmine is known for being sensual, can help with anxiety, healing for coughs, and is also good for labor pains.

    Jasmine is harder to make than lavender, so I would use less jasmine and more lavender if it was me personally. It was probably more expensive too.

    good luck :)

  2. Hi,

    Yes, you can blend lavender with jasmine. other essential oils that you can mix with jasmine are:  bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, geranium,lavender, Melissa, neroli, orange, petitgrain, rose, sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang.

  3. Take Combination will be ok

    it really depends on what you are trying do with them

    Lavender is one of the few oils that you can use "neat" on the skin it will not hurt you even if you use it straight.

    Lavender oil helps to tone and tighten the skin

    Lavender promotes good circulation in the skin and prevents infections of the sebaceous glands.

    Lavender oil helps to relieve pain and inflammation due to neuralgia

    help with sunburn

    it also help to relax you.

    it treats headaches even migraine headaches

    you can treat first degree burns

    put one to two drops directly on the burn will relieve pain and reduce the risk of blisters

    Jasmine oil Called the Queen of the night

    the oil comes from the flowers that has to be harvested before dawn so that the delicate aroma won't evaporate in the sun.

    it used to be called the woman's oil

    because they used it during labor to induce contractions / ease cramps/ stimulate mild production and banish fear.

    The oils is antispasmodic/ analgesic and sedative it also helps to relieve pain.

    it is a good antiseptic and is a good conditioner for the skin

    excellent remedy for acne and dry skin.

    it can help to protect connective tissue for tears caused by overstretching.

    it is relaxing and help to release any physical tension.

    if you are using the lavender and jasmine on your skin you do not have to use a carrier oil.

    use 10 drops of lavender and 1 to 2 drops of jasmine

    if you are using in a difuser use the same amount but add water so that you can burn it longer and not have the oils burn

    I have lots of recipes for oils from hair rinces to massage oils

    email me if you would like  some of the recipes


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