
Mixing friends?

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So i'm going to be having a sweet 16 soon and i have to groups of friends. Violin/orchestra friends and home school friends. I'm very tentative as to how to easily mix these two groups at the party. Also I'm sorta nervous about inviting some of my violin friends because we only know each other in a "work" environment. Do you think it's weird to invite people you don't know that well to a sweet 16?

help me out here <3




  1. i think it is a great mix.just try to talk to both groups, if possible about the other group in advance.try talking about what they both have in common, like:&quot;oh! that group from violin also LOVE S going on long hikes in the woods... and what they enjoy-like: oh!my school friends love &quot;x&quot; kind of movies or: they love to ice skate....or stuff like: we all-the school group or the violin group: enjoy pizza with weird toppings,we should try it together sometime...or,my friend&quot;x&quot; gives the best get the picture.if you do not know much about the viloin outside violin activies try getting a little earlier and find out more,maybe using the examples/questions...tell the how nice and open your school friends are and that you are sure they will all like each other.say something like:we will have a great time,you will see!!!maybe hint what you will wear to the violin group-since maybe, because you mention you do not know them outside that environment-they will be more comfortable knowing it is an all-jeans party,or dressy party etc...have tons of fun!!!

  2. I thnk it should work out fine, just have an arranged seating chart or something

  3. I think that mixing up your two groups of friend should work out okay.

    No one can expect you to have a certain type of friend, that is what makes life so interesting, to have many different types of friends.

    As in incorporating them all together, think of some games that will help them get acquainted with each other. If you have team games, be sure NOT to have the orchies against the homies, but team them with similar interests.

    Sounds like a great idea to me, you get the best of both.
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