
Mixture for severe diaper rash?

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my cousins son who is 1 and a half has a nasty habit of scratching himself in his private area very hard and constantly. it is severly red and looks raw (especially on the underside of his p***s), and we can tell its very uncomfortable. i was trying to tell my cousin about a mixture of ingredients i heard about from someone else but all i remember was zinc oxide and hydrocortizone 1 % cream...and i forgot what else. do you know any good mixtures that include those products, or is there something else? i need ideas quick because the poor kid is so uncomfortable!




  1. try triple is the best stuff around.

  2. Definitely don't put anything on it until you get him seen by a Dr. as it might be a type of yeast infection and not just diaper rash.  Especially if it is a yeast infection you could inadvertently make it worse!  Cornstarch would actually feed the yeast making things worse.  Just keep his hands away as much as you can and get him to the Dr. as soon as you can.

  3. my mom told me cornstarch it works great i used it with every diaper and my little one never gets a rash , i would recommend seeing a doctor 2 before treating it and tell him what hes how hes scratching

  4. go to the doctor meanwhile let the baby go without a diaper be careful about what you wash the baby with try natural soap  and use butt paste from walmart after you see the doctor

    change the baby every hour or so  

  5. Call the doctor before you start putting any kind of cream on a baby.  

  6. Be sure you're dealing with diaper rash before you treat it.  It might be a yeast infection.

  7. Most diaper rash cremes contain zinc oxide.   Without consulting a doctor, I would not use anything other than diaper rash creme.

    Corn starch (powder) also works well.

    However, from your description it sounds as if it might be a yeast infection.  He will need an Rx to clear that up.

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