
Mk and ashley olsen hairrr??

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Does any one know how i can get my hair like thisss? ; Is it permed , or could i get it permed like this (what would i ask my hair dresser) or is it curled with tongs HELP PLEASE

help appreciated




  1. there is 3 things you can do to get this hair:

    1) the first is a perm its called loose waves or body perms, and it is achieved with a larger perming rod. this does damage your hair but with deep conditioning you can make it silky again

    2) you could buy some curling mousse and while your hair is damp,touslee it through your hair so its all covered then scrunch it (your hair has to be practically dry) with your hands this will kink it but in a nice way.

    3) buy some large barrelledd curling tongsI'mim planning on buying some soon too) and use them but keep them on for a small amount of time and use a quite a bit of hair at once.

    for extra advise, print the picture off and take it into your hairdresser they will have lots more information and can show you how accomplishlish the look on your own

    your hair has to be quite long to create the bohemian look like mk's, if your hair is past shoulder length then you will have no problems.  

  2. I always achieve this look by damping my hair and putting in two platts sleep with them in and in the morning lightly brush it and it should look like this, alternatively you could use curling tongs but only leave them on your hair for a couple of seconds. I don't think getting it permed is the answer hun hope i helped :) cya chick x*x

  3. Hi :D

    wow.. i absolutely love those girls they are my favourite people ever.. anyway there hair is natural straight.. but they always tong it. research it. go on there official site. or look on ebay for there own  tongers they have.. or just what i do.. deeply condition ur hair and make sure ur hair is fully wet and then put ur hair in tight tight platts and take them out in the morning seriously works... its fab :D if u want ur hair naturally like this.. and that means you want to get it permed. take in this picture of mary-kate or if you find a different picture of mary-kate or ashley  print it or take a picture out of a magazine and take it with u tell the hair dresser that u want a perm and say i want it like this  

  4. i dunno how but id just ask the hair dresser how to get it done... and i really like that kinda hair

  5. After you wash your hair, don't let it dry rinse it, shake off excess water.

    Part your hair in the center of your head.

    Tie one section up and leave one side open.

    Then separate that side into 6 different sections twist it and do it with all 6 sections of that side. make sure you put clips in to hold the sections into place.

    Repeat with the other side of your head. and spray with curl retention spray all over and leave to dry on its one, for about an hour.

    Don't brush it out yet, dry it hair dryer and run through with you fingers.

    you will have tousled waves like Mk olsen and ashley hair.

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