
Mma vs. marine????

by Guest59694  |  earlier

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my gf is saying that the marines are highly trained in combat and that they can actually beat an mma figher i say thats not true cause it dont think marines get trained in jujitsu and stuff but I D K ? what do you think???????????




  1. Are you talking an MMA fight or a fight to the death?  That matters because MMA fighters have rules and Marines don't.

  2. mma vs no rules, as opposed to many rules that are used to.

  3. apples and oranges

    I am a Marine.  

    The extent to which hand to hand combat is nurtured in the fleet is a joke.  In a regulation MMA fight sure it is assured the MMA fighter will take the match.  

    In a firefight Mr. MMA might want to watch out however.

  4. a trained mma fighter would defeat a marine in a match for sure because that is the extend of there training.they practice nothing but mano y mano.i been training muay thai for 15 yrs, and shotokan for 21 yrs, and i was also in ranger training in the army and they would teach us a little hand to hand but in the military if ur close enough to an enemy to actually use hand to hand u missed.(with your weapon)

  5. Half the marines arent even in shape. Mma fighters have been training for years and like every day of there lives. WHo do u think would win, Chuck Liddell or a Marine, Rampage Jackson, or a marine

  6. It doesn't matter and the reason I say that is because combat is just combat.

    As far as who would come out on top between those two, that's entirely up to the individual and MOST OF ALL, what happens at the particular moment in combat. Other than that, there is NO way you can tell who would win. Training method is a big time factor too, but not as big as what I mentioned above.

  7. The Gracie's, Shamrock, Randy Couture, and possibly many others train our men and women of the Armed forces.  Royce is an example of his patriotism's.

    I'm sorry but I have familly Who are Vet's and I love my Country. Just not the politics and lobbiest (rich) that ruin  it. MMA hands down and It's not always legit. Anything can happen in a fight! But let's honor our men and women in The Armed services. Thank you and God Bless.  I would also like to pay a tribute to Royce Gracie for the MMA community!

  8. The marine would kick the mma fighters *** being a marine because thats what he trains to be.....a hockey player would beat an mma fighter at hockey and a mma fighter would make them both look silly at fighting....its not even an argument....why don't people get this?

    ps.....who do you think trains the marines in BJJ?......BJJ fighters

  9. Marines do train in hand to hand combat. But not to the extent that an MMA fighter does.

  10. That would depend if they were recon, trained in martial arts themselves, and their discipline applied to MMA training.  Most former military though have been shut down in the UFC, as too many did not apply military discipline to their training and physically they just let themselves go.

  11. we have two former marines that train with us. and one navy seal. they both say no weapons its mma hands down. the reason is they do not train hand to hand that much because if they get to a point were they have to fight hands only they have already F$cked up bad

  12. One poster made reference to getting on the ground and worrying about a stab or a shot while going for a submission. I'm of the mindset that if you have to fight at all in a warzone you are in danger of this. Standing on the ground or otherwise. I will say that in a war zone where people are shooting all around you they are trained to go for cover or hit the deck. No martial art is really good for that type of enviornment, but I would rather be on the deck. Also, the hand to hand that is being discussed is mostly for the ground troops, and I believe there is more time for Special Forces to get more detailed training. Special agents use Krav Maga I think, but boot camp is like a little factory that turns out troops. You really can't teach enough Krav Maga or other art like that in the time allowed for the standard training course. Something is better than nothing. I would rather have the troops rolling than not knowing anything at all. That being said. I think a MMA fighter will win in the cage because they Train for the cage. Put them on the battlefield and you have a different story. They only depend on themselves in the ring, but you need your fellow troops in the field, no matter what you've seen Rambo do.

  13. marines have a basic "martial arts" course that they take in basic training that teaches them a few chokes.  they are no where near as well trained as a pro mma fighter. they are trained for war, not one on one combat.

  14. An mma fighter with self defense traing would win . One with no self defense training might have trouble when taken out of his element.

  15. dont listen to half the people on here. there is no such thing as an out of shape marine. and they are trained in all sorts of things...including jujutsu...boxing...and others. its calle mcmap for it in your search bar. vs marine.....would equal out to a mma fighter getting blown full of 5.56 mm holes. lol

    what they (and the army) do is very much have to remember mma is not a style...its a way to train. infact the army combatives program starts with techniques taught to them from Rorion and Royce Gracie. later it gets into boxing, and muay its very mma. just with a different emphasis. empty hand fighting does not win wars...nor do they want to fight empty handed in the military. but the attributes it takes to make a good fighter also make a good soldier.

    army guys constantly tell me...and its an official army thing almost....the winner of a hand to hand fight is the guy who's buddy shows up first with a gun.

    in a fair fight, in the say the mma guy would probably win...anywhere else and the marine would just shoot him and be done with it.

    in our local mma events...we have people in the national guard compete as well.

  16. Unless the marine has a knife hidden in his socks or something the mma would win.

  17. Everyone trains for the combat they're most likely to run into. MMA fighters train to fight in a cage.  Marines train to fight with rifles on battle fields.  Take the top of either side under ideal.  Put a hand-to-hand combat trained Marine in a cage with a ref and no more than a pair of board shorts and wrap gloves, MMA fighter's gonna take him.  Why?  He's trained to go for the knockout, scoring points and abiding by the event's rules at all times.

    Put an MMA fighter on a battlefield with on an elite Marine.  No ref, no gloves.  The Marine will probably rip the MMA guy's head off in more ways than one.  Why?  He's trained to kill however he needs to.  He can kick you in the groin, break your neck.. h**l, he can bite you if he pleases.

    My instructor often uses this analogy.. Any fighter you've got--trained by the best and at the top of his game--put him in a swimming pool with a water polo champ.  Think he has a chance?
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