
Mmk surfing?

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ok so ive never been particularly good at one thing. My whole family pretty much surfs and no one has ever taken me or taught me how. I've always wanted to learn though. I figured it would probably be the one thing im good at. Considering i basically love the beach and ocean more than life itself.

but today i FINALLY went out and my cousin was just like "here take your board and stand up."

i hardly stood at all in the white water. How g*y is that?

i know you just "pop up" but it doesnt work for me. I was out in the water for 4 hours. i didnt really ride any good wave (plus the waves were bogus).

but ugh!

its so frustrating.

is there anything i can do, do you think?




  1. There's only one thing you can do to improve your surfing and that is to do it more.  It is not at all uncommon for some to go out on their first day and not catch anything so don't get to put off by that.  Keep going out and get some pointers from your friends. Popping up takes some time to learn, practice on land (take the fins out).  Lessons could help but if you have friends and family who surf and are willing to help you I would give that a shot first.

  2. surfing is one of those things, that you just cant pick up and do, it takes heaps and heaps of practice, and then you are still c**p..  Lessons will give you a bit of a kick start, and learning with a friend the same level and dedication will help alot... And dont worry what others think, every  body that has been surfing for a while knows how hard it is to learn.

    Also the board you ride will have a lot to do with your success, if you were ridding one of your families high performance boards? they are totally unsuitable for surfing.  you need a bigger board with more volume.  One good thing is that girls pick it up quicker than boys, probably cause they are more willing to listen to advise...And i am sure that you are great at lots of things too.

  3. Lessons are the way to go, except you should have lots of family and friends you should pressure into teaching you. It takes a lot of time for some people to master surfing. I started in 1966, and some days, i think I'm still learning.

    Just don't give up, and look at it as having fun, whether you ride worth a d**n or not. The pressure and frustration will only make you surf worse, not better. This is FUN, so what is the worst that happens? You fall in the water? Stick with it, ask your pals or family for some help, and laugh a lot when you fall (You aren't in a competition, right?). I spent my whole first summer just getting 'decent', and I really couldn't say I was 'good' well into my second summer. And you know what, some of my friends became super excellent, and others always kind of stunk. But we all had fun. Surfing has been 42 years worth of fun for me. Stay at it, and smile!

  4. well take lessons just dont tell your family so then you can just suprise them

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