
Mmm, is inbreeding as bad of a deal with cats as with humans?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbors have two cats, a male and female. Both came from the same mother, different litters (they may share a father also, but you know how cats are) anyway they don't go outside, and now the female is pregnant. Is this as weird and creepy as I think?




  1. With cats, there is no such thing as forbidden territory. Given the right timing and opportunity, a cat will inbreed and interbreed. Father daughter, Mother son, siblings etc are all part and parcel of the feline kingdom. That is the reason why cats should be fixed to prevent this opportunist breeder from multiplying and creating more unwanted litters.

  2. It isn't a good thing, that's for sure.  Both of those cats ought to be "fixed."  

  3. It's very common with cats, that's why it's so important to at least spay and neuter them.

  4. yeah. it really fcukin is

  5. Pretty much!  But hey, if he can't go outside, he needs some satisfaction.  Beside's, their little paws aren't meant for masturbation...and even if he could....imagine the consequences of the claws...Youch!

    More proof that cats need to be fixed if you ain't gonna breed 'em...

  6. its just like with rabbits and gerbils and many other small furry creatures, when they get a chance they go for it dont matter who it is

  7. Ewwwwww! They'll be having cats with two heads and three paws


  8. Well Cats are one of the most prolific of animals, so I guess inbreeding would just put more stupid cats into an already overpopulated arena. The inbred humans that allow this to happen, however seem to digress to the stupid inbreeding behaviors quicker than the cats, however.

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  • Mmm
    Posted: earlier