
Mmmm is a cat or a dog beter to have as a pet!!!!!!

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mmmmcats or dogs!!!!!




  1. Well Cats pretty much depend on themselves to live. They can become very lazy and laid back. Cats only depend on the owner for food, water, and shelter. Dogs on the other hand depend on the owner more. Dogs are more playful and our great companions. Both are equally good pets but it depends more of what type of person the owner is.

  2. forget the pros and cons and just get a lion

  3. cats are sweet and quiet

    dogs are fun and cute

    either way there both cool

  4. dogs are better but cats are probably easier to take care of.

  5. dogs...

    but it is your choice

  6. cat

    plus cougers always win

  7. we have four dogs and three cats... i know... a lot. lol.

    i love both equally actually.

    it just depends on what kind of person you are.

    for cats, you have to work for their love.

    for dogs, they work for your love.

    cats are harder to impress and have quite the personalities... dogs will never cease to amaze you at how they make you smile.... haha, they are both excellent pets.

  8. Dogs- Because they like to play, and are fun to exercise with.

    Cats- Because they are lazy, and do stupid things.

    Can't decide.

    Rabbits are!!


  9. Personally I'm a dog person but I live in a flat and so I have two cats. Dogs are more people animals and need more training.

    It all depends on your circumstances. A cat is nice and some like to be around people some don't. It all depends on how much attention you are able to give your pet and how much space you have.

  10. cats unless u love felling that warm squishy present in ure hands under a 100th a milimeter of plastic

  11. Cats are more popular than dogs, but people spend more veterinary money on dogs. Cats are generally viewed as more disposable than dogs. On the internet, its funny to cartoon or fake kill a cat, not so much a dog. For example, Kitty Cannon or putting a cat in a microwave. Cat destroys dog in a google war (914 million to 369 million).

    I personally like cats better. Dogs chase after me and growl whenever I try to go running. And they smell bad.

    Edit- After reading the answers it seems like there's an attitude that dogs are better, but if you don't have enough time you should get a cat instead. As if cats are an inferior substitute for dogs. :(

  12. Cats have more of a personality but they are also more independent and dogs are loyal friends.  

  13. i think cat as they are more easy to look after. you can go out and not have to worry about letting them out.

  14. it depends on what you consider better....if you want an easy pet then go with the cat....but if you want a more playful pet then go with the dog...

  15. well i would pick a dog.. im allergic to cats. plus dogs are WAYY more playful!!

  16. depends on your lifestyle preferances

    cats better for small apartments, people who cant walk them daily/weekly, people who dont like big animals.

    dogs better for outdoorsy people who like to walk them, big backyards and dont mind large animals.  

  17. If you've got spare time then a dogs the right way to go.

    If you've got a busy work schedule then a cats the best.  

  18. Well dogs are more playful then most cats but Cats are fluffy and awesome to hold and can be very playful as well id go with the cat.

  19. i think cats cause they are cuddly but they do there own thing too.. they arent hard to take care of... and are so so cute haha

  20. It depends. Which would you rather be? With a dog, you are it's owner. With a cat, you are it's staff. Your pick, owner or staff.:)

  21. Cats

  22. Hmm i say Dog.

    Their more fun to have around.[:

    If your looking for a real friend and companion

    or someone to just have fun with all the time.

    A Dog is a great pet.

    most cats just hide.ha

    good luck.

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