
MoMs in College with a BABY!?

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I was attending Florida State University (FSU) and when I found out I was pregnant I talked with my counselor about online classes and I ended up switching to an online major so that I can finish up my remaining classes all online. I am looking for advice from those who have taken college classes and had a baby at the same time. The semester starts next week, I am due October 19th, and the semester ends in the begining of December. I am looking for opinions on how many classes I should take. I want to take as many as I can so I can graduate sooner, but I don't want to overload my self since a baby will be here right in the middle of the semester. HELP PLEASE!!!!




  1. I still am now, and was through 2 pregnancies in college.  Regular, not online classes either! It's hard, but I knew I had to finish now more than ever, if not for me then for my baby!! In my college though  I take one class a month, but each class is 3 hours long 4 days a week.  I enjoy that schedule a lot more than when I went to UC (University of Cincinnati) bc then I had 4 classes at different times throughout the day, all across campus, rushing around to make it there on time.  So i can understand how that would be very difficult.  Good for you for wanting to stay in school and get your degree though! Just keep your eyes on the prize, bear through it.  Don't sign yourself up for too much bc you don't want to overwhelm youself. Good luck oh and by the way im on my husbands account thats why the avatar is a boy, but im a mother and a woman not a creepy guy!

  2. I'm graduating this fall and am 15 weeks pregnant with my second. My first is only 10 months old, so I've done the pregnant and in school thing twice now! I took a full load plus summer classes while pregnant..I wanted to get as much out of the way before my first arrived as possible. I was also due in october with her, I took that semester off and returned the next spring to take the one class I had left. Now I'm starting my semester student teaching, and hoping I'll make it through without being a basket case!! Its tough, but tons of people do it. I loved my semester off. I dont think I could have even handled online classes with a newborn, but I also know people who have had their babies mid semester and never skipped a beat. You know what you can handle, but keep in mind sleep with be rare and caring for a newborn does take the majority of the day. I wish you luck!!  

  3. Congratulations, and good job on staying in school. I would take way less than you normally do the first six months, then back to mabye a full time load to finish the rest of your classes.Good Luck!

  4. I started college a few weeks after my son turned one. It is hard. I actually go to classes because I knew that I would not get my stuff done with doing online.  I went back to work 6 weeks after he was born and I will tell you now it was a lot easier to work 5 days a week with 3 kids than going to college 2 days a week. It can be done I am on my third semester. Good luck and congrats!!!

  5. I am in grad school and had my baby in early April.  I am studying to be a nurse practitioner, so I had to deal with clinical days as well as classroom time.  I took 2 classes (I had been taking 1 at a time) so I could take the summer off to be a mom.  It was brutal at times and very stressful.  My mother came to stay with us until the semester was over so I could finish the classes.  I ended up having to take an "incomplete" in one class, but finished it up by the end of May.  

    Talk to your teachers and keep them informed of your situation.  I go to school with several nurses who had a baby in the middle of a semester.  It is hard, but it can be done.  Some dropped classes and I was given the advice "they are only little once".  Newborns are very time -consuming, and they grow and change quickly.  The reality is that you can finish your degree a semester later than you originally planned, but you can't get back the time you lose with a baby to tend to school stuff.  

    It sounds like you are a very hard worker and good student - take this semester to lighten the load and enjoy your newborn with less stress in your life.  You are lucky to have on line options - I wish I did, but the nature of nursing coursework makes that hard to find. Reap the benefits of taking the maximum amount of classes in previous semesters!  Good luck!

  6. Expect to lose a few days when you give birth.

    My wife took two classes (max) after she had our son.  One was an engineering (heavy math) and the other was a literary class (lots of reading).

    She would do her reading while nursing my son.  The math and writing had to be done while my son slept or when I was home to take care of him.

    Sleep is going to be the most important thing for the first 3 to 6 months.  The only way my wife was able to keep going was for me to take care of our son (when ever I was home) so she could study or sleep.

    After she finished those classes she waited until our son was over a year old before going back to school.

    Good Luck and get the father involved in caring for the child.

  7. Before my son I could breeze through 4 classes and deal decently with 5. However, I had my son a week before Spring semester started... wow. I struggled with 2 classes. I mean really struggled. I think 2 should be your absolute maximum. And, check into your college's policy. They will allow you time to make up work, etc.

  8. I am going to an online school and I only have to take 2 at a time to be considered full time.  That is ENOUGH.  I also work part time, and in the beginning it was ok, but I had to cut back on hours because I couldn't get anything done.  3 might be ok for you.  I would try 2 and then work my way up as I got more comfortable.  U don't want to overwhelm yourself.

    It might be easier when they are smaller because all they do is eat and sleep...but u want to make sure u do the same so u are well rested and able to do your work.

  9. in the begining its gonna be heard cause your baby needs to feed about every 2-3 hours. Thats for newborn, and but as ur baby grows, u need to make sure that you keep her on a sleep schedule so you can take the classes at night. Good Luck!!

  10. Ha. This happens all the time in Utah. You see moms and dads bringing their kids to class with them!

    Keep you load light, and maintain good communication with your instructor. I was unable to finish some coursework for an online class last semester when my daughter got sick and my prof. gave me four more weeks to finish. I had a baby in the middle of a semester and decided to take only one class that time. I agree that two should be your absolute maximum, but I would discourage you from that. One is enough. As it was, I had a hard time finishing that one because newborns are time hogs.

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