
Mobile marketing, how important into business?

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Can you list down why cellular phones important to marketing?

Note: cellular phones= mobile phones, handset, pda




  1. I don't think they are important.  There are a few companies which send me text messages as a form of marketing - one or two of them are companies which I gave my number to a long time ago for various reasons, but the vast majority are companies whom I have no idea where they got my number from.  Regardless, I find these messages to be annoying and a nuisance.  Plus, they don't even work as a marketing tool because usually I will just delete the message and forget about it.

    Now, I think there are some things that can be marketed effectively via mobiles, but these are usually limited to the youth market - teenagers are generally not too busy to read/act upon a text.  Plus, obviously downloading music, ringtones, etc can be a form of marketing if that is encouraging someone to go and buy a whole album.

    One thing that I think is quite interesting is that Sony have just launched a new phone with Usher's new album already loaded onto it.  I'm curious to know what the point of this is.  I actually can't imagine that anyone would buy a phone for this reason, given that if you really wanted the album there are plenty of other cheap means to obtain it.  I can't really imagine that Usher is getting anything out of it either - okay, it might mean that people will listen to it who wouldn't have done otherwise, but if you're giving them a whole album then you're not making any money out of them because they've got nothing left to buy.

    Why am I doing your homework for you?

  2. Its only a form of advertisement for a marketing product. It does not guarantee a sale.  

  3. Its a great way like Video or article advertising but NOT that great or different.

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