
Mobile phone question, is it illegal to use a mobile phone at all times in a car while driving or can you?

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use a hands free kit,




  1. yess it is illegal to talk and drive at the same time because you could have a wreck or run off the road the law is steping up on that you will get stopped real quick if they see you so don't talk and drive

  2. Even that will be illegal in most states soon. Just stop and make your call.It's what you had to do before they came out with stupid cell phones.

  3. Here's a simple rule for ALL communication devices like cell phones, pagers, PDAs, etc - turn 'em off before you get behind the wheel...There's enough to do just driving the vehicle...Yet for some stupid reason, we feel as if we just have to have someone talk to us about a subject that has the importance of finding Atlantis...And if I don't/can't talk to someone about anything, I'm just going to EXPLODE!!!!

    Turn 'em off, get to where you're going, then talk your tongue off...And you won't have to worry about whether its illegal or not.

    Live long.

  4. OK, you're gonna get loads of freaky-*** bullsh@t answers to this, so listen up. I have discussed this with the Crown Prosecution Service themselves, as I had to formalise our company policy on mobiles whilst driving. Get it wrong and we stand to be sued by employees, or even face corporate manslaughter charges. So be assured that I had to get it RIGHT.

    What is the law about mobile phones while driving?

    It is illegal to drive a vehicle or ride a motorbike and use a hand held mobile phone or similar device. It is also illegal to supervise a learner and use a hand-held phone. Hands-free phones are also a distraction and you risk prosecution for not having proper control of a vehicle if the police see you driving poorly while using one.

        * A hand held device is something that "is or must be held at some point during the course of making or receiving a call or performing any other interactive communication function.

        * A device "similar" to a mobile phone includes a device that can be used for sending or receiving spoken or written messages, sending or receiving still or moving images or providing Internet access.

    That is the UK law. Anyone who tells you different is making it up as they go along.

    Personally, I think that whenever the police see someone using a phone whilst driving, they should pull the driver from the car and beat them unconscious. Harsh but fair.

  5. Here in NY state it's $100 fine if you aren't using a hands free. And that's for first time offenders. It progressively goes higher.

  6. Depends on the state. Most states allow hands free devices. Many states won't allow cellphones without the kit....NC which is where I am living now, if you are 18 and under, you are not allowed to, but once you hit 19 you are apparently old enough and seasoned enough to be able to drive and talk at the same time...Go

    If you are still not sure, just check with the DMV or local law inforcement to find out the exact law in your state.  

    Good luck  :o)

  7. in most cases you can use a hands free enforcement pretty much want you to have both hands on the wheel at all times.....

  8. In the UK it is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving (or stationary with the engine running), unless you are using your mobile to call the emergency services (999/112). You can, however, use a handsfree kit (as long as you do not drive dangerously).

    The penalty for getting caught using a mobile phone whilst driving is 3 penalty points on your driving licence and a £60 fine if dealt with on the spot. If you go to court you could face disqualification on top a maximum fine of £1,000 (or £2,500 in the case of drivers of buses/coaches and goods vehicles).

  9. depends on where you live.

  10. Hi,

    In most states and provinces in North America no but it is certainly coming in legistation.



  11. In the UK it's acceptable to use a hands-free kit. If you have to fiddle with the buttons on the phone even with a hands-free kit you can be done for careless driving at least.  

    As it happens a woman has just received 4 years in prison for killing a cyclist while texting on her mobile - she wasn't charged with illegal use of the phone, but with causing death by dangerous driving.

  12. In California, it is legal to use a cell phone. The law banning it's use goes into effect 7-1-08.

    Personally, I've never had any problem talking, eating, singing, chewing gum, or adjusting the radio and driving at the same time.

  13. Try this site concerning cell phones for all states.

  14. I think it is still legal to use a CB radio, i might be wrong!

  15. yes or you can plug in a phone into your they had on topgear

  16. most old hands free kits would probably be unsafe to use because you still have to use the mobile

    modern bluetooth kits do not requrie any interaction between you and the mobile and are therefor considered ok

    obviously you are in uk so ignore americans they wouldnt know anything about uk law

    also if you have a television in the front of the vehicle which can be seen by the driver it must automatically switch off when the handbrake is off

  17. Depends on where you live.  Check your state laws.  I know in some states it's illegal to be driving and talking on your cell unless it's a hands free type. Again just call your local police station and ask they can tell you.

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