
Mobile phone waves?

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Could you explain how the microwaves emitted from a mobile phone work, and effect our brain?




  1. cell phones emit EM (electromagnetic (can be made simply by applying a current to a simple wire)) radiation


    let's find the wavelength

    for 2,5 GHz cell phone signals


    wavelength=3*10^8/2,5*10^9=0,12m (12cm wavelengths)

    these long wavelengths penetrate not easily into our body and brain compared to gamma rays which has wavelength in pico meter and penetrate easily into body

    energy of cell phone 2,5 GHz signals



    E=10,35*10^-6 eV (electron Volt)

    E=10,35 micro eV

    10,35 micro eV is not big compared to gamma rays which have 1,24 Mega eV which is deadly to molecules and body

    EM radiation may cause certain molecules (in brain f.ex) to absorb energy, but since the energy to cell phone is so small, the absorbed energy is harmless to the brain molecules. the wavelength is also hard to penetrate through brain so the conclusion: NOT HARMFULL

  2. The intensity is important, if you hold the phone at your ear for longer time: the inner ear (tinnitus) and the brain become warmer. The frequency is important because 1.8 or 2.4 GHz are frequencies of the DNA in the brain, too. So there may happen a disinformation of the organization of the brain. And last: there may be a 'Switching' inside the brain which means a fragmentation and desynchronization of the different parts of the brain: left to right, conscious to subconscious, intellect to emotions, etc. Ok.?

  3. It's not a proven theory. But mobiles do emit very high frequency microwaves. Long term phone useage is not reccomended.

  4. They don't. Independant testing in the UK showed that only if you kept the phone to your ear 24/7 would you get the slightest problem.
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