
Mobile phones in cars?

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Mobile phones in cars?

Why can't the police set up a website where the public can send in videos or pictures of people using their mobile whilst driving. To make it more worthwhile they could offer a £5-£10 reward for successful convictions. Just think of all those kids with mobile phones the reward could be credited to their mobile.




  1. It is a good idea.

    There is a website where you can submit bad drivers, but it is not for enforcement purposes. It is to rant about it to get it off your chest. It is called RoadRagers.

  2. that's a fab idea, and if it works it could be extended to all sorts of criminal activities, why not go to a local policing board meeting and suggest it to the panel.

  3. I Like this idea, but  I think it should be extended to anti social driving and parking as well.

  4. Really winds me up to see how many irresponsible people still use mobiles while driving it really is so dangerous.

    Personally I think the penalty for using a mobile while driving are not sufficient to be a deterrent.

    also any one caught using a mobile in this way should have the phone immediately confiscated and when convicted they should be cut off by their service provider and put on a black list to prevent them obtaining services from other providers for at least a year.

    After all we are talking Innocent lives here.

  5. why have a government when us on answers can sort the country out, good idea

  6. why don't you get a life? wrap yourself in cotton wool each day.  too many do-gooders in this nanny state already. you should be worrying about who would want a sad sod like you

  7. Sounds like a good idea but then we would have accidents with the people that are using video cameras while driving.

  8. I prefer to let people get caught on their own. This "snitching" thing is distasteful to me.

    Of course, snitching on someone who is displaying a weapon and threatening someone or some other deadly thing would be ok.

  9. "Why can't the police set up a website where the public can send in videos or pictures of people using their mobile whilst driving."

    Your words.   So let me get this straight.    It isn't enough there are millions of idiots who think that phone call is more important than driving,   now you want a like number to be shooting video or pictures while driving.    

    Better,  just everyone grow up and put your toys away!

  10. That's a seriously good idea!  Maybe contact your local area paper about it - if they are clever they might contact your local Police and get the ball rolling, if only for your area.

  11. bugger me someone with a brain. great idea

  12. sounds good 2 me,so long as its a passenger and not the driver recording the offenders

  13. There was a programme on (BBC I think maybe "The One Show") about a website some guy set up where users have a fixed camera recording constantly on their dashboard to capture any traffic violations. They then post these videos on their website, I can't remember if it was just to shame the bad drivers, or if the police used the information for convictions. Either way, the site and it's administrator got a whole lot of hate-mail and death-threats from bad drivers.

    I think this is the one

    Edit - haha, the Max Power brigade are out, thumbs down for everyone who values safe driving

  14. I like the idea.
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