
Mobile services for student in New Zealand?

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HI All,

I'm going to be a student at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. May I know cheap service/plan for mobile phone in New Zealand? Thank you.




  1. If you have a GSM based phone, use Vodafone as its an international provider and you can stay in touch with your family and friends at home. You also have the "best friends plan" with vodafone which allows you to add friends to your plan and talk UNLIMITED for a month. Vodafone also has other addons as well.

    If you're from the USA, in NZ you dont get charged for receiving calls locally and internationally so staying in touch with home is going to be cool. You can stay in touch with your family and they can send you $$. Dont forget to set up a PAYPAL a/c when you leave home too as this will allow anyone to send you money when you need it via your credit card.

    Dont forget to bring an adaptor and check your power source for your phone as NZ is on 240AC voltage and has a 3 prong connection.

    Hope that helps.

  2. The two main providers are Telecom and Vodafone. Telecom have a $10 text option, where you pay $10 per month and can send as many text messages as you want - on any other plan a text is 20cents. Calls you make will be charged on top of this.

    Both companies offer different plans based on your usage - whether you mainly make calls or send text messages. Pre-paid accounts are a good option if you don't make a lot of calls, you put credit on it then it's up to you how quickly you use that credit.

    Check out both websites to see which would suit you best.,

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