
Moby wrap is it good for a 6 month old and older? Is it difficult to use?

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Moby wrap is it good for a 6 month old and older? Is it difficult to use?




  1. I LOVED my Moby Wrap. Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to use it alot:( I used it abit for walks in summer, but he was born in June, and by October we had TONS of snow and I used the sled or the stroller for our walks than. If I lived in a city I would have had more opportunity to use it, but I live in a remote fishing village, so I didnt' get out alot except for just walking the dogs. I was disappointed to use it so little:(:( The dozen or 2 dozen times that I did use it.... I loved it! It is not hard to use at all... the only difficult part was learning to use it. After you pass the learning curb.. it is very quick and easy.

    It is very comfortable and unlike other carriers (that hurt my back), this one spread his weight throughout my whole shoulders and back and it did not hurt at all. It was very comfortable.

  2. you should check out the ERGO, I liked it way better than my moby(which I never used so I gave it away)

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