
Model UN (Israel and nuclear weapons)?

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I'm on the General Assembly for Israel for my school's Model UN team (which is basically what it sounds like, a mock UN hearing),

one of our questions to debate is whether a nuclear weapon free zone should be created in the middle east.

I know Israel is probably for it, but I don't know how to argue to get the other nations to agree




  1. The existence or non existence of Israeli nuclear arms is irrelevant. The main issue is the safe existence of the Jewish State, the State of Israel. Israel declared that they will not use first nuclear arms in the Middle East. Iraq and Iran openly threatened Israel with annihilation. Under those circumstances Israel has the right to prevent nuclear armaments in those countries.

  2. I cannot add more than what conservation chris have said and if Iran is smart, they should drop whatever plans they have for WMDs . Why do they have to make things difficult for themselves, what are they trying to prove ?

  3. yea Israel has nukes thanks to the United States. This and the United States are probably the only thing that is keeping Israel alive because they are occupying Arab land... and this makes a lot of Arabs mad...

  4. Israel is not for a nuke free zone in the Middle East because that would have to INCLUDE Israel and Israel has been a nuclear power for years. I glad to hear what you are doing for your school. Please checkout the questions I posted earlier relating to Israel and our foreign policy. I think you will find them, and the answers, very interesting.


  5. Israel is the second worst rogue state on the globe behind USA and both criminal nations should be disarmed

  6. you are not thinking Israel got nuclear weapons but they do not any one else we  American are heal ping them with my Tax

  7. Either it is mock or  real UN it always sided with the Israel so it is better for you to side with Israel..

  8. Israel HAS nuclear weapons ...

  9. Israel is not for it, since Israel has nuclear weapons.

    Israel, as a small country surrounded by enemies dedicated to destroying it, developed nuclear weapons as a deterrent to stop other countries from trying to overrun it.

    What Israel IS opposed to is anyone else in the area having nuclear weapons.  This is why Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear program in the 1981, and why it threatens to do the same to Iran.  Israel's concern is strictly tactical: if any other state in the Middle East has nukes, that state cannot be depended upon to refrain from launching a first strike.  Israel believes that only itself is stable enough to not launch a first strike.  Considering that Israel has had nuclear weapons for about 30 years, this belief seems to be well-founded.

  10. Israel is not the aggressor in her fight for the right to exist.

    The one thing about nuclear weapons is that they have only ever been used once in a military role and, to date, not again, because of the amount of short and long term damage.

    Here is the middle Eastern problem in a nut shell,

    If Islam put down its weapons in the morning there would be peace in the middle East by night fall,

    If Israel put down her weapons in the morning then there would be a massacre and SHE WOULD NOT EXIST BY NIGHTFALL.

    Would you give nuclear bombs to a race of people who turn their children into human bombs and send them to murder innocent people out doing their shopping? I don't think so.

  11. You're kidding right? Israel against nuclear weapons. They'd be the first to buy them if Iran were to make them.

  12. israel has weapons of mass destruction my friend!!

    they have the bomb, nuclear submarines and much more thanks to the american govnt. in the past decades and much more with the help of this man in the white house so don't waste your time with a lost cause

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