
Model UN. Singapore. Position on ... Countering Corruption in Member Nations (ASEAN)?

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in ASEAN. need as much info as you can give me on the topic. past action, general position, relations, solutions...ect.




  1. Official committing corruption must be removed from office and be meted death penalty for serious damage to the government.

  2. The ASEAN as of the moment is guided by the non-interference mode. The member-states do not impose sanctions, and do not actually interfere with the internal relations of the state to its citizens.

    Thus, if one member-state of ASEAN has a leader who was corrupt, the ASEAN does not intervene to remove him/her.

    ASEAN remained not intervening with the crisis in Thailand, (now solved), the Philippines graft scandal, and  Burma's quest for democracy.

    I have not heard anyone, who headed ASEAN who tried to bribed the ASEAN states. The leadership of ASEAN is rotation between and among the member-states. The head office is in Jakarta.

    With the present ASEAN Charter, and the acceleration of ASEAN 2020 to ASEAN 2015. The region is moving towards, to "rules-based" system of cooperation from its present "consensual" method of cooperation.  I think modeling itself a little from EU. The ASEAN can move as one  very strong block in Asia. Equaling China and India.

    With the Charter, the ASEAN can impose sanctions, or perhaps removal of the non-complying state. However this Charter is still on its drafting stage.

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