
Model killed in Shanghai - just a slur on China?

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See the crime obviously is a serious one not debating that. What I mean is this just seems more American attacks on China's increasing popularity/economy/military. This happens all the time in UK, US, France etc... models often are vulnerable due to the nature of the industry to find those dirty requests to sleep with clients and often wind up on drugs crazed fans etc... So why this hit the news? We don't see anything about the hundreds that do get killed in similar ways in the West because its not *new news* for us. The only difference is the location of where it has happened but as for the types, the company scam etc... it is all the same. The only thing I can see is that its another underhand slur against China's upcoming rightful position as a world superpower. Really think about it, if a Shanghai girl went to L.A got asked to sleep with clients, attended a scam agency and got killed would it really hit the news?




  1. Firstly, the model killed was not an American, she was a Canadian.

    Secondly when one of our citizens is murdered abroad, it is in fact big news here in Canada.

    And thirdly no one here in Canada is stereotyping all Chinese as murders, or slurring the Chinese nation.

    We simply want the guilty party brought to justice.

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