
Modeling with these stats?

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I am 13 and I do attend JRP a modeling/acting school and my statistics are: HEIGHT: 5'7''

WEIGHT: 113 lbs

WAIST: 27 inches

THIGHS: 18 inches

ARMS: 8 inches

DRESS: 3/4

I wanted to know I am also in the process of losing more weight off my waist I am going to get down to a 26. But only prob,most model's waist are like 24 INCHES thats like impossible! wOULD I HAVE A CHANCE IN THE INDUSTRY?




  1. your height and weight are perfect for the industry! you sound really thin, girl. i kind of find it hard to believe that your waist is 27 though. when i was 5'7" and weighed less than i do now, but more than you, i was a 24. but still relax, you sound thin so i'm sure you have a shot! in fact, i am positive!

    if it helps here are some of my stats... i am 13 and also trying to be a model!



    -waist: 26

    -hips: 35

    i struggle a little bit too with my body, but i'm working on it. you sound like you have a better shot than i do! email me if you wanna chat or need some support.

  2. honestly no one measures your thigh and arms

    usual stats are bust- waist-hips

    and at 5'7" and 113 pounds you already sound thin

    so losing more inches would be uhealthy

    your not fat or anything but you sound like you have the model build

    i've been a model since i was 13 and my measurements are 34-23-33

    i've found most other models to have the same measurements

    so if your already at 27, anything under it would be unhealthy

    so maybe you should just give modeling up and focus on acting

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