
Models Direct - Scam?

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I signed with Models Direct about 2 months ago, agreeing to a 3 year contract. Every forum I have looked at has said that they are a 'scam on the right side of the law', in other words, they are a scam without breaking the law. Is this true? I have contacted them and they have said that the Watchdog incident/comment was over 9 years ago or somthing. Basicly, this bad reputation was from abut 9 years ago, in which time Watchdog were made to retract this. They are apparently now fully regulated. Please either re assure me or tell me honestly your experince working with them. Becuase at the moment, I'm seriuosly worried about what is going on. I don't know if it's just rumours, or truth. Please help!




  1. Models Direct UK - Are they a scam?

    I thought I'd browse the internet the other night for a kiddie modelling agency for my 5 yr old son and I came across Models Direct, the website seems very professional, good client list etc so I submitted an online app with a few home snaps of my him. This was Tues night and they have rung, e-mailed, txt me loads saying to ring back and they were 'very impressed' but I'm sceptical. It says nothing about a fee on the web but I've got a funny feeling they're just after my money - which I won't be parting with! Has anyone else had experience with them? Will they hassle me forever if I don't ring them back? What should I do?

    2 months ago

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    by Kindle Kitten Member since:

    August 12, 2007

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    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    I did some research on this Models Direct and most people agree that is it a scam. This was the best description that I found:

    It's not a scam as such, but an agency who you pay to be put on their books with no guarantee of work. That means they promiseto have a pic of your child in their folder, but they won't actively push your child over any of the other kids - so if there are children on there with previous experience etc, your child may lose out to them unless he or she has EXACTLY what a company are looking for and the others don't. With children, it's always best to look for agents who take a % rather than an initial fee, or who guarantee a set number of auditions / castings for the initial fee. A lot of agents work like this (mainly nearer London, though) and so you know that at least you have a chance. Avoid the ones that charge you to just sign up, you have no guarantee of anything back, and so are basically just giving them your money...and it's not in any way seen a a 'scam' by the rest of the industry.

    So I would aviod this company completely, and when they call you tell them that you are no longer interested and plan to get proper representation for your son.

    2 months ago


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    Asker's Rating:  Asker's Comment: Thanks for the first two answers, they both really helped. Can't actually believe that Models Direct have replied to this question with their copy & pasted spin! They really are desperate for anyones money, I can't even get away from them on here, it's like being stalked! Is this what you are searching for?Rating: Good Answer Rating: Bad Answer

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    We understand your anxiety in wondering if you have done 'the right thing' as the media gives regular coverage to questioning all agencies and there has been good cause to.

    One thing most people do not realise is that the majority of companies who give rise to complaint are simply 'showcase outfits'.

    By 'showcase', we mean they do not undertake to represent models for seeking paid work, instead they simply, make hollow claims to host people as available for 'agents and hirers to see'.

    The difficulty is, new models do not realise this subtle difference and pay to sign up in the hope something will happen.

    In reality, agents and hirers do not comb these showcase sights. When they want models - they turn to those agents who are proper agents and by that we mean, those reputable ones who are registered as Employment Agents.

    Employment agent agencies who represent models, as Models Direct have done since 1990, are regulated and inspected by the following Government authorities, The Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Employment, as well as Office of Fair Trading, Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise.

    There are strict inspections, accountability and severe penalties for default and failure to comply.

    So you can see why 'showcase model agencies exist, in order to dodge the tight rules and regulations and laws governing Models Direct, as an authorised employment agency.

    Models Direct has successfully represented and found work for the last eighteen years for many men, women and children in the film, advertising, fashion, catalogue and photographic industries and we continue to do so daily with our full time staff of seventeen professional bookers.

    Why not move away from your computer and come and see us at our UK Head Office here in Norwich? Make an appointment with any of our Co ordinators and we will make you very welcome, showing you what we do and how we do it, for people like yourself.

    This will clarify how Models Direct differs and demonstrate the facts behind modelling with us. See the names we supply models to, meet our team working everyday on behalf of our models, meet the directors who founded Models Direct in 1990, here how we started and what we do and could do for you, see for yourself what we are all about.

    Then decide, knowing the facts.

    If you produce your travel ticket, or petrol receipt for your travel for your days visit, you will also go home with a contribution from us for half your travel costs.

    That's our 50/50 offer, we'll help you to help yourself. Firstly to come and see us and thereafter, if you are successful in receiving an Offer of Model Management from us, throughout the time you are modelling with us.

    Success is about commitment, your modelling is no different. Take us up on the invitation before deciding if modelling is really for you.

    If it is, you are talking to the right people. We look forward to meeting you, we know commitment when we see it. > It's more than just 'a look'.

    2 months ago

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    by banchee Member since:

    January 16, 2008

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