
Moderated messages I am a owner of the group why do I have to approve my own messages?

by  |  earlier

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Ok call me lazy but I dont undersatnd why as an Owner of my group I have to approve messages that I post. I see there are some configs for new members and stuff but why do Owners have to bare the burden going in and approvng their own messages?






  1. You can turn off the moderation for your own messages.  Find yourself in the members list and click edit membership for yourself.  Under moderation, override it so that your messages don't require approval.  Save changes.  You can do that for any member and also change it at any time.

  2. Yep, unfortunately if you moderate ALL your group's messages (not the new members'), you have to approve your own messages, too. That's the rule I guess...

  3. You are not lazy at all.  When you created the group, you probably made all members moderated. That included you.  You just didn't know that you needed to edit your membership and unmoderate yourself.  This is how to do that:

    Sign in to your group.

    Click Members located on left side of screen.

    Click the Moderators' tab.

    Click your name.

    Underneath your name, click "Edit Membership"

    Underneath Membership Privileges and to the right of "Posting Messages:Use Group Settings (Edit)", click on "Edit".

    Underneath Message Posting Privileges, select "Messages posted by this member are not moderated".

    Click Save Changes.

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