
Moderator notifications?

by Guest63528  |  earlier

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I am a moderator who being notified when someone posts a message to the group. This is in addition to receiving each message via email.

When I try to Edit my membership, I find that I am set up to be notified when "there are pending messages, photos or memberships which require approval" and when "a member joins/leaves this group or new files uploaded." The only other notification option I see is for when "there are pending messages which have been identified as possible spam."

I don't see any option for being notified of messages being posted that don't require approval and aren't possible spam, so I don't see any way to turn this very annoying option off. Can anyone tell me how to do this?




  1. How do I turn Spam Filtering off?

    Here’s how to turn Spam Filtering off:

    From the list on the left, click Management.

    Click Messages under Group Settings.

    Click Edit next to Posting and Archives.

    Select Off under "Spam Filtering".

    Click Save Changes.

  2. How do I set email notifications when people do things in the Group?

    As the owner of a group (or a moderator with say-so), you can choose to receive notifications by email when:

    1. A new member joins or leaves a group, or when new files have been posted to the "Files" area.

    2. New messages or photos are posted in groups that require moderation, or new members are requesting to join a restricted group.

    3. A message is identified as "potential spam" by Yahoo! Spam Guard.

    4. To change your own email notification settings, click Edit Membership at the top of any page, then scroll to the "Email Notification" section at the bottom of the page. Choose your preferences, then click Save Changes.

    To change another Moderator's settings, find the moderator on the Members Page, click Edit Membership, choose your preferences in the "Message Delivery: Notifications" section, and click Save Changes.

  3. I checked every possible way for messages, files to be auto-sent to an owner/moderator and couldn't find anything for your problem.  Best thing to do now is contact Yahoo Staff for assistance using the Yahoo Groups Help Form:

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