
Modern Britain who can we thank?

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  1. there doing a job  

  2. Nothing but paper talk there is not one source quoted as saying we have used it for that purpose

  3. Ourselves for allowing this to happen.

  4. The Government for creating a nanny state.

  5. Anybody found guilty of aiding and abetting an enemy of the state should result in loss of citizenship and immediate deportation along with all dependants. If this policy were to be adopted those others likely to be affected would only be allowed to stay if they had originally reported the activities.

  6. It's a worldwide problem, blame no one, thank no one.

  7. that story is a wind up, asif they would show a MI5 Agent posing for a pic some one is pulling our pissers

  8. Must be the dead Mummy with whiff of rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets.

    Creaking and rattling with two hands stretching out.

    Blindly searching the way back to the pyramids in Egypt.

    In scaring the h**l and living daylights out of the misery of living human kind.

    in bringing along the little ones too.

    Without being aware of it with self lack of knowledge back in the past.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. yourselves of course. the same as we here in the US have ourselves to thank for allowing liberal policies,and politicians to destroy our Nation.

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